Contact Me

I started practising natural healing since 2007. The herb I have been using is LINGZHI, it is a type of mushroom, an adaptogen and also a powerful detoxifier. I fall in love with how it works greatly to strengthen our body.
I hope to share the knowledge / experiences I gained since I started this alternative medicine and hope that everyone can benefit from it too.
I would also want to help those in need of a financial freedom, through network marketing I am doing that is the Shuang Hor Business.
Contact me if you are interested in knowing the natural alternative medicine or the nature of the Shuang Hor business.

Email Address:
Facebook Page: Lactoberry
Phone No: +6011 5922 5502
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Thursday 23 February 2012

Are You Healthy?

How do you measure healthiness? 
I have some points for you to cross-check with yourselves.
Those who are considered healthy has these characteristics:
1) Wake up early in the morning fresh and active
2) No pain or numbness at any parts of the body
3) Go through his daily life positively and with great faith 
4) Eat well and proper. Drink at least 2.8L of water daily
5) Urinate frequently and pass motion at least once a day. The time taken to do this is not long and produce good quality of faeces:
Size: Big and long
Colour: Yellowish/ Bright Chocolate
Not stink
6) Do not do harm to the body etc smoking / drinking alcohol
7) Exercise regularly and consistently
8) Have ample rest and sufficient hours of sleep ( at least 6 hours )

Now, if you have all these in you/ your daily lifestyle, you can proudly pat your back and say that you are in top condition of health :)
Else, do right for your body. 

Malay translation

Bagaimana anda mengukur kesihatan?
Di sini, saya ada beberapa perkara yang boleh ditimbal kira untuk anda memastikan anda berada di tahap kesihatan yang mana. 

Seseorang yang betul-betul sihat mempunyai semua ciri berikut:
1) Bangun awal pagi dalam keadaan yang segar dan berasa aktif
2) Tidak rasa sakit-sakit badan /kebas di mana-mana
3) Menjalankan aktiviti seharian tanpa rasa murung, sebaliknya beribadat dan berfikiran positif selalu
4) Makan mengikut waktu,bukan mengikut nafsu. Minum air masak sekurang-kurangnya 2.8L sehari
5) Pembuangan air kecil yang kerap dan air besar sekurang-kurangnya 1x sehari. Tidak mengambil masa yang lama di tandas. Najis yang dihasilkan 'berkualiti'.
Ciri- ciri najis 'berkualiti':
saiz: besar dan panjang
warna: kuning / coklat cair
tidak terlalu busuk

6) Tidak melakukan perkara yang merosakkan badan cthnya merokok / minum minuman keras
7) Melakukan senaman dengan kerap dan konsisten
8) Mempunyai masa rehat dan tidur yang secukupnya (sekurang-kurangnya 6jam sehari tanpa gangguan)

Sekiranya kita menepati kesemua di atas setiap hari,insyaAllah, kita boleh berbangga mengatakan kita tergolong dalam orang yang masih sihat Alhamdulillah:) 
Sebaliknya, Lakukan yang terbaik untuk badan anda untuk kekal sihat. 

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