Contact Me

I started practising natural healing since 2007. The herb I have been using is LINGZHI, it is a type of mushroom, an adaptogen and also a powerful detoxifier. I fall in love with how it works greatly to strengthen our body.
I hope to share the knowledge / experiences I gained since I started this alternative medicine and hope that everyone can benefit from it too.
I would also want to help those in need of a financial freedom, through network marketing I am doing that is the Shuang Hor Business.
Contact me if you are interested in knowing the natural alternative medicine or the nature of the Shuang Hor business.

Email Address:
Facebook Page: Lactoberry
Phone No: +6011 5922 5502
Youtube Channel:


Tuesday 26 November 2013

Testimoni Gastrik Perut - Lactoberry


Saya ingin kongsi 1 testimoni untuk mereka yang mengalami sakit gastrik perut.

-Sakit perut gastrik untuk 3 hari selepas outstation. 
-Ambil 4 sachets Lactoberry
-Sakit semakin hilang. Tetapi angin banyak keluar malam itu.

Lactoberry ialah produk kami yang terdiri daripada probiotik dan prebiotik. Kanak-kanak suka sangat rasanya yang dirumuskan dari buah-buahan. Sangat-sangat bagus untuk kesihatan usus.
Kesihatan Usus = Kemantapan Imun
Jadi, peliharalah usus anda dengan baik :)

Thursday 26 September 2013

Go Eco Liquid Detergent-Why I Use Expensive Detergent?


While driving in a hot sunny day yesterday, I thought to myself "I should be washing my dirty clothes. It would be the perfect day."
After many more conversations to myself, (I was driving alone, this is what I do :| ) it made me wonder about GoECO Liquid Detergent. Yeah, I use it to wash my clothes now.
I was thinking, why do I use such expensive detergent? Yes, it costs RM45! and it's only 1 litre/ bottle.
I am not sure about others, but to me IT IS expensive.

Here is my 1 and only reason:
Because it's eco friendly!
I have indulged myself to be more environmental friendly, try to be as much as possible to love the earth, make aware of the conservation of many things (especially the ones MNS ventured into).
By using this detergent, I get to clean the drains. That's it. That is ALL it.
Do you know that the water after you wash your clothes, go to drains? If there are too many dirt, it will clog the drains. Later, drains will become smelly. I absolutely hate to pass by drains that are smelly. Hurts my nose BIG time!
Then if you think further, when it rains, drains are clogged, flood happens. Bencana alam pulakk.
Do you know, things from drains will go to the river, then the sea? If the drains are full with rubbish, so will the sea. Kesian ikan-ikan and all the marine lifes. Eating and living with all our rubbish. And I heard, some of the detergents used (the chemical based) can even change the marine life's gender! Kesian they get confuse aku ni jantan ke betina? :|
Sad isn't it?
Do you know it's good to take care of the the earth? Dapat pahala. Islam 100% encourages this (and I am sure other religions do too). If you keep hurting the earth, how would the kids cucu cicit  live later?

So there you go. Why I use this expensive GoEco Liquid Detergent. Because I care about the nature and I want to collect as much pahala as I can insha Allah.
If you too care, why not give it a try. Baju pun bau wangi :)

If you want to know more about this product, you can go here and read it yourself.
Let's be more responsible to the earth~

On a different note, I miss laut. Oh!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Kenapa perlu untuk mengambil LINGZHI?


Video di bawah merupakan rakaman di seminar beberapa bulan yang lepas. Presenter ialah Dr Haslina, seorang pensyarah di sebuah universiti terkemuka juga merupakan seorang pengedar Shuang Hor. Tajuknya menyentuh tentang kenapa kita perlu untuk mengambil lingzhi.
Rakaman tidaklah profesional, harap maaf. Tetapi diharap semua dapat mendengar dan mendapatkan intipati  yang menarik yang ingin disampaikan.

Bagaimana Lingzhi berfungsi? For english version, you can go to this link. 

Sel -> Tisu -> Organ -> Sistem -> Badan

Saya pasti ramai yang tahu tentang diagram di atas. Memang sejak sekolah rendah lagi kita telah di ajar tentang ini. Kita tahu, unit yang paling kecil sekali dalam badan kita ialah sel.
Tahukan anda kita ada 10 trillion sel dalam badan kita!! Banyak kan? Jadi bagaimana kita nak pastikan yang setiap satu sel kita itu dijaga dengan baik supaya ianya sihat?

Sesiapa yang ada kereta pasti akan menghantar kereta anda untuk diservis paling tidak pun setahun sekali. Kalau tidak, sudah tentu anda akan tersadai tepi jalan tiba-tiba di panas terik matahari atau di tengah malam menunggu pomen untuk datang membaiki /menarik kereta anda :| Ternyata, kita tidak mahu perkara seperti ini terjadi.
Ok. sekarang cuba gantikan kereta anda itu kepada badan kita. Organ-organ dalaman adalah enjin kepada badan kita yang selama ini telah bekerja siang dan malam untuk menapis, mengepam dan pelbagai lagi fungsi lain untuk memastikan badan kita boleh berfungsi secara normal. 'Enjin-enjin' ini bekerja tanpa henti supaya kita boleh berjalan, bekerja dan menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa. Persoalannya, adakah anda menggunakan 'minyak enjin' yang terbaik untuk badan anda? Minyak enjin ini adalah segala jenis makanan,  minuman dan nutrien yang perlu ada supaya organ-organ kita boleh berfungsi dengn normal. Adakah anda 'menghantar' badan anda untuk servis? Menghantar servis di sini bermaksud detox atau membuang segala toksin yang tidak perlu oleh badan. Berapa kerap anda detox badan anda?
Kalau jawapannya TIDAK PERNAH...sudah masanya untuk anda OVERHAUL badan anda. Cuba bayangkan, kalau kereta kita tidak pernah dihantar servis selama eg 20tahun, boleh berjalankah kereta itu? Bagaimana dengan badan anda?
Saya akan berikan contoh yang lain. Cuba anda bayangkan sebuah rumah banglo yang telah 20tahun tidak dibersihkan. Bukan sahaja penuh dengan habuk, tetapi sistem paip, sistem litar, dinding bocor, masalah anai-anai dan pelbagai masalah lagi akan muncul. Perlu buat kerja baik pulih secara menyeluruh atau senang kata OVERHAUL rumah itu. Setelah di OVERHAUL kan, barulah boleh duduk di rumah itu tanpa sebarang masalah. Anda setuju dengan saya?
Saya percaya ada banyak makanan kesihatan yang boleh menyingkir toksin keluar dari badan. Saya hanya akan menyentuh dan menerangkan dengan lebih mendalam tentang LINGZHI(kerana herba ini sahaja yang saya arif) .
Kenapa Lingzhi?
Kerana lingzhi boleh membuang segala toksin sehingga ke peringkat sel! Ini bermakna, setiap 10trilion sel dalam badan kita boleh dibersihkan.
Apa maksudnya?
Jika SEMUA SEL dalam badan sihat, maka tisu, organ dan BADAN kita sihat. Nampak kepentingan menjaga sel supaya sihat?

Apa lingzhi buat?
1) Membuang segala toksin yang ada dalam badan. Contoh toksin ialah lemak, kolesterol, radikal bebas dan lain lain lagi. Toksin perlu dibuang untuk memastikan badan boleh berfungsi dengan normal.

2) Membuang semua sel yang telah mati dalam badan
Ini perlu untuk memastikan ada ruang untuk sel yang baru untuk membiak

3) Membaik pulih sel yang telah rosak / mutasi / kanser

4) Memanjangkan jangka hayat sel
Secara purata, 1 sel boleh hidup selama 7 hari maksimum. Tetapi, disebabkan kurang oksigen dan nutrisi (terutamanya protein), sel boleh mati dengan cepat. Ini boleh dilihat pada seseorang yang baru berumur 20an tetapi nampak seperti telah berumur 40an.

Sekarang, anda sudah tahu betapa hebatnya lingzhi berfungsi dalam badan. Tidak sabar untuk OVERHAUL bukan? Bertindaklah sekarang. Lagi cepat anda OVERHAUL, lagi cepat anda dapat badan yang sihat. Ingatlah, tuhan hanya berikan 1 set badan kepada kita, dan ianya tiada tukar ganti. Kita harus menggunakannya sepanjang hayat kita. Jangan pula kita mensia-siakan kurniaan tuhan dengan melakukan kerosakan pada badan kita sendiri.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Air Penting untuk Proses Penyahtoksikan

Assalamualaikum wbt

Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya berjumpa dengan seorang kawan. Saya harus berterima kasih kepada beliau kerana mengingatkan saya kembali tentang pentingnya air dalam proses penyahtosikan.

Proses Menyahtoksik 
Proses di mana badan akan menyingkirkan toksin-toksin yang berkumpul di dalam badan. Toksin-toksin contohnya lemak tepu, kolesterol, mukus/lendir, gula berlebihan dan banyak lagi bahan yang tidak diperlukan oleh badan harus dikeluarkan dari badan untuk memastikan badan kita berada dalam keadaan yang sihat.
Kerana toksin boleh menyempitkan saluran darah kita, menyumbat arteri darah, memekatkan darah mengakibatkan darah tinggi, sakit jantung dan banyak penyakit lagi.
Toksin juga akan 'melemaskan' sel-sel badan yang sihat mengakibatkan kemerosotan fungsi organ-organ dalam badan. Oksigen sangat diperlukan oleh sel-sel badan.  Untuk memproses toksin dalam badan memerlukan banyak oksigen. Sekiranya bekalan oksigen tidak mencukupi, toksin akan mencuri oksigen yang diperlukan oleh sel badan kita.
Toksin keluar dari badan melalui beberapa cara antaranya peluh, pembuangan air kecil/besar, muntah, lendir dan banyak lagi. Jadi untuk toksin keluar, perlu ada oksigen(O) dan air (H2O) yang cukup. Jadi, selalulah berada di antara pokok-pokok dan minum air yang sangat banyak (sekurang-kurangnya 3 liter). Saya teringat 1 kata-kata " kalau basuh longkang letak clorox banyak-banyak tapi tak guna air, sampah tak boleh nak mengalir keluar jugak. Sama jugaklah dengan toksin dalam badan kita ni. Ambil makanan/minuman yang membantu untuk proses menyahtoksik tapi tak minum air yang cukup pon tak guna. Nanti toksin tak boleh nak keluar dari badan juga".
Jelas? Ibaratnya, toksin itu adalah sampah dan longkang adalah saluran darah dalam badan kita.
Jadi...Jom minum air. Ia sihat! :)

Monday 29 July 2013


Pesticides are tremendous value as they protect crops against insects, plants, fungi and other pests. However, as pesticides are toxic and some linger on in fruit and vegetables even if properly washed, there are health concerns involved. 
Scientific studies have linked pesticides to health problems such as brain and nervous system toxicity, cancer, hormone disruption, and kin, eye and ling irritation. 
There is a huge industry offering organic or pesticide-free produce, thus consumers have more choice and control.The problem is that organic products are generally speaking, more expensive!
For those 'budgeteers', take a look at The US based food choice advocacy group Environmental Working Group(EWG) dirty dozen list of popular foods that have the most pesticide residues. 

This year, the EWG suggested that these fruits and vegetables contain the most residue:
Red Pepper
Sweet Bell Pepper
They also noted that their studies showed that green beans and leafy greens such as kale and collard greens are commonly contaminated with highly toxic organophosphate insecticides.

15 fruits and vegetables that contain the least pesticide residues are:
Sweet Corn
Sweet Potato

Suddenly I want to have this. A must order when I go to any Indonesian Cuisine Restaurant. 

Thursday 25 July 2013

10 tips to a Happy You


What is the key to a long and happy life? There seems to be no single answer, but evidence does support a number of lifestyle behaviours that can increase lifespan, healthspan and overall quality of life.

Content below are according to longevity expert Dan Buettner (an American explorer, educator, author, public speaker and co producer of Emmy Award winning documentary).

1) Where you live
Individuals tend to be happiest in sunny areas and on the water as well as when they reside in neighbourhoods that encourage social interactions with sidewalks, parks and community meeting places.

2) Saving, not spending your money
Research shows that financial security rather than buying desired objects leads to a greater amount of happiness long term, the excitement around purchasing a new item wears off over time, whereas the positive feeling associated with financial security remains.

3) Get your beauty sleep
According to a University North Texas study, people with insomnia are 10 times more likely to develop depression and 17 times more likely to have anxiety than people who sleep well.Get 7-8 hours of sleep. Be sure to eat balanced breakfast to boost energy and practise 30 minutes of walking or other exercise to promote optimal wellbeing.

4) Get off the couch
The happiest people watch less than 1 hour of TV a day, according to a study of 40,000 people who took National Geographic's True Happiness Test. Genuine happiness comes from being with family and friends, or engaging in a hobby, not from your favourite show no matter how entertaining it may be.

5) Meet that special someone
Research shows that people in long term committed relationships live longer with fewer diseases and less stress. Even better, several studies have shown that married people are 2x more likely to be happy than non married people.

6) Socialize daily
Studies show that the happiest people get at least 6 hours a day of interaction with friends or family. Harvard University research found that with each happy friend we add to our social circles, our won happiness grows by 9%. For each unhappy friend, our happiness declines by 7%. So, become friends with those you like and surround yourself with these people regularly.

7) Attend a place of worship on a weekly basis
Research shows that people who belong to a faith based community and attend services more than once a week live as many as7 years longer than people who don't.

8) Become a pet owner
Pet owners have lower blood pressure and fewer stress hormones circulating in their blood.

9) Create a 'happy place' in your home
Make a naturally well-lit room in your place where you can read, play an instrument, spend time with family and friend or enjoy a hobby. The natural light will help increase mood enhancing serotonin levels.

10) Be a giver
You don't have to give material object-time is also a gift eg sign up to help out at your child's school or volunteer at local senior centre.

Thursday 18 July 2013


ANTIOXIDANTS can help you cheat age, fight disease, stay fit and feel young.
I am sure many know about this fact. But do you know why? how?

Antioxidants work in every single cell in every part of our body. The body cells need antioxidants for protection against harmful by-products of chemical reactions. Our cells constantly involved in reactions with various chemical compounds, thus release free radicals.

-highly unstable molecules that attack normal cells and molecules
-cause damage not just to the cell wall, but also the DNA within the cell
-long term free radical activity causes the effects of ageing

  • furrowing of the skin
  • senility
  • degenerative diseases
In our lingzhi, there is a component called macromolecular polysaccharides that can remove these free radicals in our body. 

Antioxidants along with certain enzymes in your body, help fight free radicals and render them harmless, helping to prevent damages to your cells, tissues, organs and body functions. It does not only help you to fight disease, but slow down the effects of ageing as well. Women will be particularly interested to know the benefits of antioxidants have on skin :)
By helping to fight free radicals, antioxidants help:
  1. prevent inflammation
  2. repair damage
  3. reduce lines as well as firm up the skin to help maintain that youthful glow
Many of the antioxidants your body needs must be consumed because the body cannot make them. So take most food that has these nutrients:
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Mineral
  • Selenium
If you want to have all the goodness of 16 vitamins, 16 minerals, 94 enzymes and coenzymes, 21 types of amino acids and 28 types of nucleic acid ALL in a capsule, you should have our Yungkien Bee Pollen. :D

Monday 15 July 2013

Energy Booster


Lately I don't feel good. I think because I don't exercise much, thus I don't feel healthy. Very sluggish-y.
So yesterday after terawikh, I took a sachet of Vitaking. (Haven't taken this for quite some time :P)
Immediately, I feel energetic after having a mug of Vitaking. Super instant! I feel GOOD.
Fret not people. There are no steroids or any kinds of weird things in Vitaking.

So what is Vitaking?
It is actually a Hydrolyzed Collagen drink + Lemon Verbena and various natural ingredients.
1) Hydrolyzed Collagen from deep sea marine
2) Lemon Verbena
3) Ribose

Before I go and explain more on the ingredients, let me tell you about collagen. Before learning about this product, my knowledge on collagen is that it is only for skin beauty. But, skin is only a very small part of it.

Understanding Collagen
Constituting up to about 30% of the total protein in the human body, collagen is a vital building material of our blood vessels, cartilage, bones, skin etc. As an analogy, collagen is to our body what the bricks are to a building. With our advancing age, the content of collagen in the body undergoes a gradual drainage. As we grow older, our body's declining ability in manufacturing this vital substance results in the restorative functions of our body failing to catch up with the rate of drainage. As a consequence, premature ageing of the skin begins to set in and our skeletal system also experiences a net loss in calcium content. Due to the weakening bone structures, various health problems affecting the joints and the skeletal system as a whole, along with skin ageing and general pain in the body will soon crop up. In the final analysis, adequate replenishment of collagen is the way to prevent the onset of diseases, strengthen our bodily resistance and retard the ageing process. 

Superb Composition of Vitaking:
Hydrolyzed Collagen
Due to the relatively large molecular size of collagen it cannot be readily absorbed by the skin, In contrast, Hydrolyzed Collagen is processed through a high-tech hydrolysis method, in which ordinary collagen is broken down to give an extremely small molecular size. That explains why it can be rapidly assimilated by our body and gain entry into the blood stream to participate directly in repairing the skin tissue. At the same time, as collagen is itself a key composition of the cartilage, Hydrolyzed Collagen can effectively do away with the need of undergoing the conversion process to achieve the effect of direct replenishment to fulfill the need of the joints. In recent years, extensive scientific findings have pointed to the fact that the replenishment of collagen plays and instrumental role in curbing calcium drainage and promoting cartilage regeneration.
Lemon Verbena
It's a natural herbaceous plant. Its usage as an effective anti-inflammatory herb has long been popular in Europe and America.
It's the raw material that supplies the energy needed by our body in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). It exhibits the ability of synthesizing vitamin B2 as well as alleviating muscular pain and relieving the condition of diseases caused by muscle, thereby speeding up the restoration of ATP energy level depleted as a result of our bodily consumption.

Advantages of Vitaking:

  • Keeps the body young and robust
  • Relieves pains in the joints, calms the nerves and enhances mental alertness
  • Strengthen the bones, preserves joint health, and aids in the absorption of calcium
  • Reinforces cardiovascular functions and reduces the risk of heart diseases
  • Replenishes the body with energy in a timely manner for rapid restoration of stamina
  • Maintains the radiance, glow and resilience of the skin
  • Rebuilds muscles and preserves body curves
Who should take Vitaking?
  1. Those suffer from repercussion of a long term wrong body postures 
  2. Excessive in indulgence in sports
  3. Middle aged and senior citizens
  4. Those whose bodies have begun to experience degeneration in physiological functions 
  5. Those with heart problems
  6. Suffer from joints problems
  7. Those in need of extra energy (like me!!)
  8. Natural pain killer 
I took this before I climbed Mount Kinabalu. It helped heaps :D

Thursday 11 July 2013

Teh Herba yang Menyihatkan Badan


Teknologi pemprosesan yang ekslusif
Sedap diminum
Menyihatkan badan
Menghilangkan lemak

Ramuannya terdiri daripada 4 bahan yang berharga:
1) Lingzhi
2) Semen Cassiae
3) Teh Oolong
4) Gynostemma Pentaphylum

Lingzhi memberi kesan peningkatan keimunan badan
Semen Cassiae dapat menghilangkan rasa panas badan, menajamkan penglihatan dan melawaskan pembuangan air besar
Teh Oolong membantu metabolisme lemak, berkesan mengawal peningkatan paras kolesterol
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum dapat menenangkan emosi dan melegakan stress

  • Sesuai dihidangkan kepada saudara mara semasa berkumpul.
  • Buah tangan yang sesuai semasa berkunjung ke rumah sahabat handai.
  • Padanan terbaik menghilangkan lemak dan minyak ketika menikmati hidangan hari raya.
  • Menggalakkan rembesan jus gastrik, membantu penghadaman, meningkatkan selera makan.
  • Membawa ketenangan dan keselesaan badan dan minda, menghilangkan kelesuan.
  • Membantu metabolisme lemak badan, membendung penyakit kardiovaskular.
  • Pembersih radikal beas dalam badan, melanjutkan usia.
  • Membersih kapilari kecil seperti mata dan buah pinggang. 
Link ini merupakan testimoni saya sendiri berkenaan dengan teh ini. Sangat-sangat berguna terutama sekali ketika demam/ sakit tekak/batuk

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Puasa itu Nikmat


Ramadhan bakal tiba kurang dari sebulan lagi. Banyak kenikmatan yang boleh kita rebut dan salah satunya ialah nikmat sihat :) Terutamanya kesihatan sistem perkumuhan.
Semua orang suka makan. Kebiasaannya kita sarapan, makan tengah hari, minum petang dan makan malam. Itu tidak termasuk 'snacking in between meals'. Memang mulut kita tak berhenti mengunyah, perut pon tidak berhenti untuk bekerja; menghadam, menyerap nutrien dan menyahtoksin. Bulan ramadhan adalah satu-satunya masa di mana perut (sistem perkumuhan) kita ada masa untuk rehat pada siang harinya. Rehat di sini bermakna perut kita tidak perlu untuk menghadam makanan yang dimakan pada setiap masa, dan boleh memfokuskan pada fungsi menyahtoksik badan kita. Badan yang bersih dari toksin adalah badan yang sihat :)
Selain itu, memandangkan tidak banyak tenaga diperlukan di sistem perkumuhan, sel-sel badan boleh menumpukan lebih tenaga membaikpulih sistem-sistem yang lain spt sistem imun, sistem pernafasan, sistem saraf dll.

Sepatutnya, kita gunakanlah nikmat puasa ini sebaik-baiknya. TETAPI, ramai yang menyalahgunakan terutama sekali bab BUKA PUASA. Hentam dan sumbat sahaja makan bermacam2 makanan sehingga perut penuh dan tak larat nak ke masjid selepas itu. Sepatutnya, semasa sahur dan iftar, cubalah makan makanan yang lebih sihat dan tidak keterlaluan. Jika tidak, penat sahaja kita beri cuti pada perut, tetapi pada malamnya kerah OT untuk melakukan kerja yang lebih berat.

Di sini saya ingin berkongsi 1 resepi yang sesuai ketika sahur. Sangat mudah disediakan.


Bahan A:
1 gelas air sejuk
 3 biji strawberry

Bahan B:
1 paket Jia Hor Fibre
1 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
1 paket Lactoberry
1 sudu besar madu asli
1gelas susu segar

Cara penyediaan:
1) Masukkan Bahan A ke dalam pengisar. Kisar seketika.
2) Masukkan Bahan B pula. Kisar untuk 1 minit.
3) Hidangkan dan terus minum untuk mendapatkan khasiat optimum.

1) Fibre dapat memberikan rasa kenyang sepanjang hari
2) Fibre, Soya Protein dan Lactoberry berkesan untuk sistem perkumuhan
3) Madu dapat memberikan tenaga sepanjang hari
4) Lactoberry dan strawberry merupakan antioksidan yang bagus :)
5) Protein merupakan bahan asas membentuk sel-sel badan. Badan lebih sihat dan segar (kulit juga lebih cantik)
6) Di dalam Jia Hor Fibre juga terdapat lingzhi, membantu dalam proses menyahtoksik badan

Best kan? Senang dan sedap juga mempunyai banyak khasiat. Semua dalam 1 minuman sahaja. Boleh juga disediakan ketika iftar atau bila-bila masa sahaja. Selamat mencuba!

Friday 7 June 2013

Beauty Sleep


Have you heard of beauty sleep? According to Wiktionary, it defines as sleep before midnight, on the believe that early sleep hours conduce to health and beauty.
I strongly agree with the definition. I have even tried experimenting this myself.
Try to sleep at 10pm every night for a week. Wake up at 5am. You'll notice you woke up fresh and energetic. Your skin texture is smoother. No horrible eye bags or panda eyes. All this will lead to a happy mode in the morning and through out the day insyaAllah.
You will have ample time to perform tahajjud, do some light exercises, read few pages of any reading materials, take a cold shower, perform subuh,  and get ready for your day. It will be definitely great if you can make this as your daily habit.

How can sleep early lead to all these goodness??
Do you know that from 10pm to 2am is the cells regeneration time? If you are able to sleep during this hour, all 3 TRILLION cells inside your body will have the luxury opportunity to regenerate. Since our body is in hibernating mode (when we sleep), the cells are not use to do any work. Hence, regenerating process will be successfully done. We need new healthy cells for more beauty and healthy body :)
There are also hormones excrete only at night /day. If we burn the midnight oil, and replace the sleep during the day, these hormones can't be excreted normally. Thus, interfering with the hormonal balance in our body.
Even in the Quran, many verses stated that we should sleep at night. Here are some examples:

It is He who has appointed the night a covering for you and sleep for a rest. The day He has appointed for rising. (Surah Furqan: 47)
And [We] have made the night as a covering [through its darkness], and have made the day for livelihood. (al-Naba’ 78:10-11)
Tell me! If Allah made day continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, who is an ilaah [a god] besides Allah who could bring you night wherein you rest? … (al-Qasas 28:71)

Here some tips to improve your sleep

Let's Sleep and be healthy people!!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Reaksi Vertigo -Reaksi Positif :)


Kebiasaannya, saya akan menerangkan tentang lingzhi dengan mendalam kepada sesiapa yang ingin mengambil lingzhi, terutamanya tentang Reaksi Vertigo

Reaksi ini adalah fenomena penyahtoksikan. Memandangkan lingzhi merupakan agen penyahtoksikan yang berkesan, reaksi vertigo ini menunjukkan di mana sememangnya lingzhi sedang 'menjalankan tugasnya' pada badan kita. Jadi, tidak perlu bimbang sekiranya kita mengalami reaksi vertigo ini selepas mengambil lingzhi, malah haruslah berasa gembira dan mengalu2kan kedatangannya :D
Tidak semua orang akan mengalami reaksi yang sama. Ia bergantung kepada keadaan badan seseorang itu. Berikut merupakan contoh beberapa reaksi dan punca masalah yang mungkin ada pada diri seseorang itu:

Saturday 27 April 2013

Lingzhi & Diabetes

Every 30 seconds, 1 diabetic patient in this world will have his or her limb(s) amputated as a result of diabetic complications. Currently, there are around 2.1 million Malaysians suffering from diabetes. Indeed, diabetes has made its presence very much felt in these modern times.

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic and prolonged condition of excessively high level of blood sugar. When the blood sugar level is high, a protein hormone called insulin is secreted into the blood by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets. In the event of a deficiency or absence of insulin, or when there is an increase in the factors disrupting the activities of insulin, the level of blood sugar becomes elevated, resulting in the onset of diabetes.

What to do when suffered from diabetes?
Go immediately for a thorough medical check-up on your body, including special care to the eyes, to ensure that no other bodily organ is affected.
It is worth pointing out that about 85% of diabetic patients also experience various types of complications. These include obesity, heart trouble, hypertension and diseases affecting the blood vessels in the brain, kidneys, lower limbs, retina of the eyes and so on. As these health problems are closely linked to diabetes, they can be effectively prevented or their onset retarded if the blood sugar in our body is controlled at a healthy level.

Health management for diabetics
Dietetic therapy is all important. The control of blood sugar level should begin with observing a balanced diet and healthy living habits, apart from keeping the following in check:

  • Maintain an ideal bodyweight
  • Reduce the intake of food that are oily, deep fried, or high in fat (such as poultry skin) or those with high contents of cholesterol
  • Avoid using animal oil for cooking purposes. Use vegetable oil instead
  • Cook your food by way of steaming, stewing, making salad, braising or roasting instead of frying or deep frying
  • Take more food that are rich in fibres, such as fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains
  • Take less high sugar food or beverages such as confectionery, carbonated drinks, honey, fruit juice and desserts
  • Always go for dishes that are bland and low in sodium (less salty)
  • Avoid alcoholic drinks
While diabetes is inherently a dreaded healh problem, a dietetic patient can however put its condition under control and continue to enjoy quality life through the consumption of certain supplementary health food.

Lingzhi & Diabetes
Actually, diabetes can be traced to problem associated with a disorder in the secretion of insulin, leading to metabolic disturbances of carbohydrate, protein, fat, water, and electrolyte. As a result, the physiological balance of the body is disrupted and this brings about the diabetic condition characterized by series of pathological changes. 
The polysaccharides in Lingzhi are known to be effective bringing down the level of blood sugar. At the same time, they also contribute to elevating the concentration of insulin in the blood. Clinical experiments have shown that Lingzhi is capable of retarding the rate at which the blod sugar level in our body rises and reducing the concentration of blood sugar after meal. Besides, it also helps exciting the secretion of insulin, thereby sustaining a stable concentration of he latter for a prolonged period. This will in effect enhance the utilization of blood glucose by our tissue cells, hence resulting in a reduction in the level of blood sugar.

The various efficacies of Lingzhi against diabetes can be broadly classified as follows:

  • Elevating insulin concentration
  • Promoting the utilization of glucose in the blood by tissue cells
  • Enhancing glucose metabolism in the liver
  • Bringing down blood sugar level
  • Protecting cardiac blood vessels to prevent and alleviate the condition of arteriosclerosis or complications caused by hardening of the micro blood vessels. 
Yung Kien Ganoderma & Jia Hor Lingzhi
Exclusively formulated using a top grade Lingzhi spawn, which is cultivated through the most scientific method, and produced through the most advanced technological processed as well as under the most stringent quality control. 
Yung Kien Ganoderma carries the honour of being awarded with the coveted Immuno Modulation Health Food Accreditation for exhibiting the following proven immuno modulation attributes (based on animal and in vitro tests):
  • Capable of enhancing the production of immuno cells
  • Capable of promoting the production of antibodies
  • Capable of regulating the functions of T-cells
  • Capable of promoting the vitality of Natural Killer Cells 
  • Capable of promoting the vitality of Phagocytes
Apart from the above, Yung Kien Ganoderma has also won the Liver Protection Health Food Accreditation for the following proven liver protection attributes (based on animal tests, in which CCI4 was used to inflict damage on mouse liver):
  • Capable of reducing the indices of GOT (AST) & GPT (ALT)
  • Capable of increasing the protein content in the liver
In the final analysis, long term consumption of Lingzhi, which is rich in such active constituents as macro molecular polysaccharides, triterpenoids, Lingzhi nucleotides, micro molecular protein etc will help modulate our immune system to promote bodily metabolism and consolidate the physical constitution. 

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Yungkien Bee Pollen

Apakah itu DEBUNGA?
Debunga merupakan sel pembiakan jantan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Oleh kerana dihasilkan dari anter tumbuhan yang mempunyai biji benih, setiap butir debunga adalah sangat kecil, diameternya hanya lebih kurang 1/50mm~1/100mm. Tumbuh-tumbuhan bergantung kepada debunga umenyuburkan ovul pistil untuk membiak sehingga boleh membesar berpuluh-puluh ribu kali ganda dalam beberapa hari. Zat makanannya yang bermutu tinggi terbukti di sini.

Kandungan Debunga
Kajian menunjukkan debunga mengandungi hampir 200 jenis zat yang berlainan, termasuk 16 jenis vitamin, 16 jenis zat galian, 94 jenis enzim dan ko-enzim, 21 jenis asid amino, 28 jenis asid nukleik, karbohidrat dan khasiat yang lain.

Keberkesanan Debunga ke atas manusia:
  1. Memanjangkan umur
  2. Mempercepatkan tumbesaran kanak-kanak, memperkuatkan tulang rangka.
  3. Mencegah penyakit salur darah
  4. Mengurang/menambah berat badan
  5. Mencegah penyakit kencing manis dan sakit jantung
  6. Menguatkan tubuh dan fungsi jantung
  7. Mencantikkan kulit, menyelaraskan haid
  8. Mencegah gangguan menopause
  9. Berkesan terhadap penyakit usus dan perut
  10. Mencegah kanser
  11. Mencegah demam selsema
  12. Mencegah dan mengubati prostatitis
  13. Menghapuskan sembelit dan ciri-birit
  14. Memperbaiki anemia
  15. Memperkuatkan sperma
  16. Menghilangkan keletihan
  17. Mencegah penuaan

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Are your products safe?

I was browsing. Found this useful website; Environmental Working Group (EWG). It is to check the safety of various cosmetic's ingredients. You can just search for your products and see how safe the products you are using. They evaluate products based on :
1) potential to cause cancer
2) potential to cause reproductive issues or birth defects
3) potential to cause allergic reactions or compromise the immune system
4) number of demographics for which the product is NOT recommended
5) Overall hazard

Each categories is ranked on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being the safest to use. If you find that your products are not safe, be wise and get rid of em.

p/s: Our products have yet to be evaluated. We however can guarantee that ours are very safe to be used by babies, to adults up to old people ; sick or healthy (our products are insured :D). Do contact me for more information :)

These 2 are my personal favourite. Great combination! 

Thursday 4 April 2013


Exercise. Walk. Jog. Run. They're all good.

I've came across a similar situation. A pakcik (stranger) asked me why I exercise since I looked slim. 
No pakcik, exercising is not only for big size people. Everyone needs to exercise. To be healthy. Not to look pretty (only). 

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Halting the Rampage of Cancerous Cells Part II

According to the research findings, everyone of us will have more or less a certain number of cancerous cells produced in our body. When our body is in a normal, healthy condition, these cancerous cells will be regarded as foreign intruders the moment they are identified  and subsequently exterminated by the immune system of our body.
However, in the event that unfavourable genetic factors, environmental pollution, unhealthy living habits or the indigestion of excessive carcinogenic substances prevail, the cancerous cells will proliferate at an accelerated rate. This will eentually lead to the onset of the cancer and a high risk of fatality in the absence of early detection as well as timely treatment and care.


    • Observe healthy hours between work and rest. 
      • Go to bed early and wake up early, have enough sleep, and avoid staying up late. 
      • Do regular exercises to keep a healthy level of metabolism. 
      • Keep away from polluted environment. In a hazy day, by all means wear a mask if you have to go outdoor. When the UV index is excessively high, make sure that you hold an umbrella or put on your sunwear to avoid direct exposure of your skin to sunlight. 
    • According to the Dietary Guide published by China Nutrition Association, a healthy diet takes root in nutritional diversity, which dictates that we need a balanced intake of cereals, meat, beans, fruits and vegetables and milk. 
      • Include suitable amounts of fish, poultry, eggs and lean meat in your daily meal. 
      • Take less fatty meat and lard. 
      • Avoid foods that are excessively salty, spicy or oily. 
      • Cut down or give up altogether the consumption of alcoholic drinks. 
      • Reduce eating your favourite pickles and preserves as they are proven source of carcinogenic substances. 
    • The detection of cancer is usually difficult during the early stage as its effect to the human body is still mild. More often than not, by the time it becomes necessary for a patient to seek medical help, his or her cancerous condition could have deteriorated into the so-called telophase, or an advanced stage. This being the case, it is essential for us to be wary of and pay special attention to even the faintest warning signs can be the tell-tale signs of cancer and hence should never be ignored. 
      • Inexplicable localized thickening or lump
      • Unexplainable bleeding
      • Abnormal discharge 
      • Sores or ulcers that are painless or do not heal
      • Sudden weight loss
      • Enlarged lymph nodes
      • Change in bowel habits or bladder function 
    • While a conditon of cancer at an early stage does have a remarkably high success rate for full recovery provided timely treatment is in place, it is usually overlooked and goes undetected to the fact that the growth is still small in size and the symptoms are still obscure. That explains why medical check-ups play a very crucial role. As the concept of medical check-ups has today come of age, many people have acquired the habit of having their health screening at least once a year. Through the precision instruments and advanced processes, the location of cancerous growth can be accurately identified, and early treatment given in a timely manner.

  • Good number of health food featuring abilities in regulation our physical constitution and immunity can lay the foundation to subduing the growth of cancer cells. Since time immemorial, Lingzhi or Ganoderma has been regarded as the top grade crude drug in enhancing health and promoting longevity. In this respect, Yung Kien Ganoderma of Shuang Hor exhibits amazing efficacy in regulation the immune system and protecting the liver functions, apart from a string of other health giving attibutes. Its twin product Yung Kien Pollen is rich in vitamins and various valuable trace elements of exceptional nutritional value in increasing our bodily resistance against diseases. As such you can rest assure that the products of Shuang Hor make the perfect choice for your daily health care regimen. 

Friday 22 March 2013

Batu Karang

Petua bagi sesiapa yang ingin mengeluarkan batu karang di hempedu/buah pinggang.

Bancuhkan 2 paket Jia Hor Fibre bersama 200ml air sejuk + 1 biji lemon (diperah jusnya). Amalkan 3x setiap hari (pagi, petang dan malam). 

InsyaAllah, batu akan keluar dengan mudah melalui pembuangan air kecil/besar. Sungguh mudah, selamat dan sedap. Tidak perlu untuk mengeluarkan duit yang banyak untuk kos pembedahan.

Untuk penerangan lanjut bagaimana batu boleh terhasil, klik di sini.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Halting the Rampage of Cancerous Cells Part I

The killer most dreaded by us human is none other than cancer. Notwithstanding the fact that everybody is well aware of its lethal repercussions, cancer remains top of the list of the major causes of death year after year. Even though numerous approaches have hitherto been adopted to prevent cancer from wreaking its havoc the present day medical fraternity is still at its wit's end finding an effective cure.
In Malaysia alone, about 30,000 new cases of cancer are being registered every year. According to the medical records compiled by he Health Ministry of Malaysia, the most common types of cancer affecting Malaysian males are colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, leukaemia (cancer of the blood), lymphatic cancer, laryngeal cancer and liver cancer while Malaysian females are most vulnerable to breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, leukaemia and lung cancer

In What Ways Do Cancer Cells Threaten Life?
The human body is made up of body cells. Normal body cells are typified by specific size, life expectancy, function, and rate of multiplying.

On the other hand, cancerous cells divide in an erratic manner and tend to grow uncontrollably.
Worse yet, cancerous cells can theoretically 'live on forever' under normal circumstances. When the cancerous cells begin to multiply in the human body, their repercussions are so obscure in the initial stage that they usually go undetected. As they continue to engage in a colonial expansion that knows no bounds they start to squeeze at the normal healthy cells causing untold damage to the latter. By the time the observable symptoms of cancer eventually rear their ugly head, the cancer cells have already done sufficient damage to pose serious health concerns.

Causes of Cancer
The causes of cancer are varied and extensive. Among others; genetic factors, environmental pollution, excessive intake of foods with high contents of carcinogenic substances, unhealthy living habits and even the excitation by certain bacteria and viruses can bring about the cancer.
In the wake of worsening ecological and environmental deteriorations, we are becoming ever more exposed to surroundings that are prone to causing cancer. Air pollution, skin damage due to excessive exposure potentially trigger the onset of cancer growth. Besides, the rising infiltration of unsafe food into the consumer market, the contamination of fruits and vegetables as a result of the indiscriminate use of farm chemicals, smoked and barbequed foods, using the same oil repeatedly for deep frying and various known and unknown sources of carcinogenic substances that have found their way into our stomach have become a constant threat to our health. Worse yet, following close on the heels of these to inflict even greater harm and assaults on our body are artificial colourings, preservatives, saccharin, borax and an endless list of other food additives.
The co-relation between cancerous diseases and unhealthy living habits such as burning the midnight oil and having diets of imbalanced nutrition, can be even more striking. In particular, females are more vulnerable in this aspect due to their love for hair dyeing, nail polishing and the likes. While exposure to the chemical content of these substances may not be obvious in the short term, the cumulative effects of the toxins can truly be very horrifying.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Serat-Jia Hor Fibre

Usus dan perut bertanggungjawab menyerap dan menyebarkan nutrien yang diperlukan seluruh badan. Jika usus dan perut  kita tidak sihat, maka tidak dapatlah badan kita menyerap secara efisien. Usus besar pula mudah menghimpunkan sisa buangan badan dan seterusnya melembapkan fungsi usus lantas menjejaskan kesihatan badan. Untuk memulihkan kesihatan usus dan perut, kita perlu mengambil serat dietari yang mencukupi.

Kebaikan Jia Hor Fibre:

  • Menyihatkan fungsi saluran usus
  • Membantu mengawal gula darah
  • Menurunkan paras kolesterol serum
  • Menurunkan paras Trigliserida
  • Membantu mengawal berat badan

Wednesday 20 February 2013



Anda tahu apa itu Dimethicone?
Ia adalah sejenis bahan kimia dari kumpulan silikon dan digunakan secara meluas pada produk-produk penjagaan kulit dan rambut. Juga digunakan dalam perusahaan industri (ada sesetengah industri menggunakannya sebagai bahan pengawet dalam makanan).
Dalam industri kecantikan, bahan ini digunakan dengan meluas terutamanya untuk mempromosikan kulit / rambut yang halus, licin dan lembut. Ini kerana bahan ini akan membuat satu lapisan baru pada kulit, dan jika  disentuh kulit akan berasa licin dan lembut. Pelanggan berasa gembira selepas menggunakan produk-produk yang dibeli. Tetapi, adakah ini selamat?
Sekiranya bahan ini digunakan kerap kali, lapisan demi lapisan baru akan terhasil pada kulit / rambut. Setiap helai rambut akan menjadi lebih tebal dan folikel rambut pada kulit kepala sukar untuk menyerap nutrien lalu meyebabkan kulit kepala gatal dan rambut mudah putus / gugur. Sama juga halnya dengan produk kulit seperti losyen dan gel sabun mandi. Dengan menyapukan produk-produk ini pada kulit, akan menghasilkan satu lapisan yang memberikan rasa licin dan lembut tetapi hakikatnya lapisan ini akan menghalang sel-sel kulit mati untuk keluar dan menyumbat pori / liang-liang roma kulit. Lama kelamaan kulit akan menjadi lebih kusam dan tidak sihat.
Saya ingin menyarankan kepada semua umat Islam untuk lihat produk yang anda gunakan sekarang. Adakah ia mengandungi silikon?
* lihat pada label dan perhatikan adakah tertera bahan ini (apa-apa perkataan yang berakhir dengan 'cone').
Sekiranya ada, cepat-cepatlah menukar produk anda kepada yang bebas dari silikon dan selamat digunakan. Kenapa? Kerana silikon adalah bahan yang tidak telus air. Bagaimana dengan wudhu /ghusl kita? 

Alhamdulillah, Shuang Hor telah menghasilkan satu produk penjagaan kebersihan yang betul-betul selamat untuk digunakan oleh semua orang (termasuk bayi) tidak kira apa jenis kulit mereka. Hanya menggunakan bahan-bahan dari tumbuh-tumbuhan, bebas dari bahan kimia yang merbahaya, dapat membersihkan kulit / rambut secara menyeluruh dan dapat memberikan kesegaran yang berpanjangan selepas menggunakan produk-produk ini. Hubungi saya untuk tahu lebih lanjut tentang kesemua produk ini atau klik sahaja link ini.

Jadi, periksa syampu/kondisioner/sabun/losyen/pencuci muka anda sekarang. Pastikan ia selamat digunakan. Jika tidak, tukarlah kepada produk yang terjamin selamat dan sihat :)

Thursday 31 January 2013

AquaSense Skin Care Series


I have tried the toner. It is sooooooo good.
I have only been using the Amino Acid Cleanser and the Hydrating Toner, but using these 2 alone gave impressive result on my skin.
Imagine if you try the whole range!
We do not use any harmful chemicals. All are composed of plant-source ingredients, so the range is very safe to our skin. Plus, the smell is very nice too :D

*Click on the link above to know more about the products.