Contact Me

I started practising natural healing since 2007. The herb I have been using is LINGZHI, it is a type of mushroom, an adaptogen and also a powerful detoxifier. I fall in love with how it works greatly to strengthen our body.
I hope to share the knowledge / experiences I gained since I started this alternative medicine and hope that everyone can benefit from it too.
I would also want to help those in need of a financial freedom, through network marketing I am doing that is the Shuang Hor Business.
Contact me if you are interested in knowing the natural alternative medicine or the nature of the Shuang Hor business.

Email Address:
Facebook Page: Lactoberry
Phone No: +6011 5922 5502
Youtube Channel:


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Tea and Tannin


I had a brief conversation with a friend on bloating. She mentioned that she can't take any kinds of tea because of the bloatedness/ wind. Most women (I know) try to avoid tea during pregnancy because of this. I got to learn a really good info about tea and how we Malaysians misinterpret the word 'tea'.

Tuesday 6 November 2012



A good friend of mine recently found stones in her urine. She was also been given medicine for gout.
This is a really good video explaining how uric acid accumulation leads to stones and gout.
Enjoy watching and learning :)

Tuesday 23 October 2012



I was reading my personal blog. Stumbled upon one entry:
I took these words from Mr S:

Read 30 mins in the morning before you go to work
Read 30 mins at night before you go to sleep
Do this everyday and you can finish a book before the week ends.
Interesting right???

You are what you are with:
-->the books you read
-->the people you associated with

If you do not read, you have no knowledge, you have no posture, thus no attraction.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Sore Throat, High Fever VS Luchun Tea


I remembered the tea tasting we had during our trip to Beijing last month. I personally love the oolong tea. I can still remember the sweetness of the taste. Sooooo Goooood :D
And I am so lucky because oolong tea is used as the base of our signature tea. A friend of mine has blogged about this tea in her blog. Do read hers for more info.
Last Monday, I woke up with a sore throat. I was sure I am going to catch a fever soon. I applied an amount of Greenzhi on my throat.
Right as expected, I started to feel feverish in the evening. Thank God I have my tea with me so I started to boil a teabag and drank as much as I can. I also took 3 sachets of CEO Cafe. Late evening, I took  4sachets of lactoberry (make sure to not take anything hot 1hour before or after taking lactoberry as it will kill the good bacteria inside). I kept on drinking the tea (just pour hot water with the teabag and leave for 4-5 mins). The good thing about this tea is, I can still use the same teabag over and over and yet I still get the health benefits from it.
I started to feel very weak and was shivering at night. I kept on taking my tea until I fall asleep.
The next morning, Alhamdulillah the sore throat was gone. I still feel a bit feverish but no more shivering. I boiled more water to take with the tea (yes still using the same teabag). In the evening, I have fully recovered from the fever and managed to exercise at the park :)

Chilled Luchun Tea. (leftover)
You can still use the same tea bag (over n over) until the water turned almost clear after soaking the teabag. 

Monday 1 October 2012

Vitaking Testimonies

Here are compilations of testimonies from those consuming our Vitaking:

40+ years of age, female
Problem: drooping womb, pigmentation, menstrual problem, easily tired
spent 2yrs taking several chinese and western meds but no significant result obtained.
Previously, she cannot stand for more than 5min. she had to sit down after that. after 2 hours of sitting, she had to lie down. She also had to spend the whole afternoon to sleep.
on hormone pills because of the menstrual problem.
Dosage: 3 sachets a day
Feedback: after 1week-she feels more energetic and vital. She can even stands longer hours.Her complexion improved a lot ; fairer and firmer.

30+ years old, female
Problem: polio, diarhea
She had this problem since 4 years old.1 leg is not functioning and getting smaller as she grow up. She only rely on 1 leg to walk. Because of that, the other leg became bigger in size and later needs a cane to help her walk. She was on a constant massage treatment and acupuncture but these treatment didn't help much (only relieve pain temporary).
Dosage: 1sachet a day.
Feedback: Digestion improve. Stools become more healthy and no less diarhea attack.
After 1 box, pain on leg lessen. She still continue to consume Vitaking until now

30+ years old, male
Problem: back injury during school time (sports injury).
He injured his back when he was in primary school. when age catching up, the pain attacked.ater awhile, he cannot stand straight (slouch all the time).
Dosage: 1sachet a day
Feedback: 1st week-he felt sharp pain at the back.
2nd week-the pain lessen.
3rd week-The pain was gone. He can walk straight now with no pain at all. He still continues to consume for better result.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Great Wall of China

Alhamdulillah, we managed to climb this to the top. 

Magnificent View. Subhanallah

Monday 24 September 2012

Network Marketing-It's an Asset, not a Job

by Robert Kiyosaki

I am sometimes asked, "Why do so few people make it to the top of their network marketing system?"

The truth is, the top of the network marketing system is open to everyone-unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach the top of the company. The reason most people do not reach the top is simply because t
hey quit too soon. So why would someone quit short of the top?

Most people join only to make money. If they don't make money in the first few months or years, they become discouraged and quit (and then often bad-mouth the industry!). Others quit and go looking for a company with a better compensation plan. But joining to make a few quick dollars is not the reason to get into the business.

The Two Essential Reasons to Join a Network Marketing Business

Reason number one is to help yourself. Reason number two is to help others. If you join for only one of these two reasons, then the system will not work for you.

Reason number one, means that you come to the business primarily to change quadrants-to change from the E (Employee) or the S (Self-employed) quadrant to the B (Business owner) or I (Investor) quadrant.

This change is normally very difficult for most people-because of money. The true E or S quadrant person will not work unless it is for money. This is also what causes people to not reach the top of the network marketing system: they want money more than they want to change quadrants.

A B quadrant or I quadrant person will also work for money, but in a different way. The B quadrant person works to build or create an asset-in this case, a business system. The I quadrant person invests in the asset or the system.

The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you do not really make much money unless you help others leave the E and S quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants. If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business.

As a B or an I, sometimes you don't get paid for years; this, a true E quadrant or S quadrant person will not do. It's not part of their core values. Risk and delayed gratification disturb them emotionally.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Breakfast Like A King!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I guess everyone knows this already.
But due to the hectic lifestyle of people nowadays (especially those working in the cities), breakfast has been neglected by many. Most people will be rushing to work and has no time to prepare a proper breakfast at home.
I have a good news to everyone here that you can definitely have a healthy good breakfast which is very easy to prepare. You can also serve this to the whole family (including kids!).

For 1 serving
All you need :
1) A blender / shaker
2) Chilled Water (250ml)
3) The ingredients ( Soya ProteinLactoberry and Hi Fibre)

3 Simple Steps:
1) Put the water into the blender /shaker.
2) Pour all the ingredients in (2 sachets each).
3) Blend / shake!

Drink it and you will definitely be energetic and feel healthy the whole day. You can check out the benefits of each products on the website ( just click on the links). This healthy drinks will make you full until lunchtime :D

p/s: You have to drink this instantly, else it will turn jelly-ish and hard to drink.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Persediaan Sebelum Kahwin

Setiap pengantin ingin kelihatan cantik pada hari perkahwinan. Di bawah ini merupakan testimoni dari seorang pengguna produk Shuang Hor yang ingin tampil cantik luaran dan dalaman.

Testimoni dari Cik W:

Petua untuk mendapatkan badan yang sihat dan cantik juga muka berseri sebelum berkahwin:

3 bulan sebelum hari perkahwinan, setiap hari, dia mengambil :
4 biji YKLZ
2 biji YKP
4 paket Soya Protein
1 paket Vitaking

Untuk penjagaan rambut pula, dia akan perapkan rambut dengan Scalpcare Shampoo selama setengah jam setiap hari. Selepas itu dia akan menggunakan Hair Repairing Serum (ketika rambut lembab/hampir kering).

Untuk penjagaan kulit muka, dia menggunakan Exfoliating Gel setiap hari sebelum tidur (selain daripada mencuci muka setiap hari).

Persediaan hari perkahwinan kadang kala memenatkan badan dan minda.Tetapi Cik W tidak merasakan semua itu malah lebih bertenaga dan berasa cergas (walaupun setelah majlis selesai). Di hari perkahwinannya, ramai yang memuji mukanya tampak berseri dan rambut yang bersinar selain mempunyai badan yang langsing dan sihat.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Weak Liver & Allergy


Please read through this article I found over the internet, written by an ex-allergy patient. He started his allergy treatment since he was 6. This is a real life story, stating that allergy started because of a weak liver. 
The solution to allergy (an 99% of other diseases) is to cleanse the liver so that our immune system is regulated (not too high / low). More reason to consume our Yung Kien Ganoderma which has been accredited by the 3rd party, proved to regulate the immune system, reduce the GOT/GPT (AST/ALT) reading of the liver, and increase the protein content of the liver

Sunday 12 August 2012

Aqua Sense -Amino Acid Cleanser

Pencuci ini merupakan produk yang paling saya gemari. Kenapa? Untuk pertama kalinya saya dapat merasakan pembersihan yang sangat mendalam dan tidak memberi rangsangan pada kulit muka saya. 

Keistimewaan Amino Acid Cleanser:
  • Struktur kulit terdiri daripada asid amino. Oleh itu, pori-pori kulit lebih senang untuk menerima asid amino untuk diserap dalam kulit.
  • Terdiri daripada gelembung halus, dapat membersihkan muka secara mendalam.
  • Asid lemah, tidak memberi rangsangan kepada mata dan kulit.
  • Hidrofilik, membekalkan kelembapan kepada kulit.
  • Menggunakan surfaktan asid amino yang berkonstentrasi tinggi.
  • Membersihkan kotoran dan lemak di lapisan luar kulit.
  • Melembutkan lapisan stratum corneum supaya dapat membersihkan kulit secara mendalam.
  • Asid lemah, sesuai dengan pH kulit, tidak memberi rangsangan kepada kulit.
  • Dalam keadaan tidak merosakkan membran sebaceous, ia melembutkan membran sebaceous dan membolehkan air masuk ke dalam kulit untuk menambah kelembapan kulit.
  • Mampu menenangkan sensitif, mengurangkan keradangan dan membantu penyembuhan jerawat.
  • Selepas mencuci, kulit akan berasa segar dan lembut tanpa perasaan ketat.
  • Sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit. 

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Adakah Anda Sihat?

Dulu, sihat bagi saya sangat mudah. Kalau tiada penyakit yang bernama,cthnya sakit jantung, kencing manis dan kanser bermakna kita sihat. Sekiranya saya tidak perlu makan ubat,saya dikira sihat. Saya beranggapan selalunya, orang tua yang kerap sakit. 
Saya masih ingat dahulu, saya agak berbangga dengan diri saya yang susah untuk mengeluarkan peluh walau macam mana panas pun cuaca hari itu. Saya juga berbangga yang tapak tangan saya kerap berpeluh, jadi tangan saya sentiasa berasa lembut kerana 'cukup kelembapan'. Nyata saya salah. Peluh adalah salah satu cara toksin untuk keluar dari badan. Mungkin liang-liang roma saya semuanya telah tersumbat atas cara hidup dan pemakanan yang tidak betul.Pengeluaran hormon juga menjadi tidak normal.
Alhamdulillah, setelah mempelajari banyak ilmu tentang kesihatan secara menyeluruh, membaca beberapa buku berkenaan kesihatan,saya kini lebih peka dengan keadaan badan, pemakanan dan aktiviti harian saya.

Orang yg betul-betul sihat:
1) Bangun awal pagi dalam keadaan yang segar dan berasa aktif
2) Tidak rasa sakit-sakit badan /kebas di mana-mana
3) Menjalankan aktiviti seharian tanpa rasa murung, sebaliknya beribadat dan berfikiran positif selalu
4) Makan mengikut waktu,bukan mengikut nafsu. Minum air masak sekurang-kurangnya 2.8L sehari (Utk kiraan yg lebih tepat, klik di sini)
5) Pembuangan air kecil yang kerap dan air besar sekurang-kurangnya 1x sehari. Tidak mengambil masa yang lama di tandas. Najis yang dihasilkan 'berkualiti'.
Ciri- ciri najis 'berkualiti':
saiz: besar dan panjang
warna: kuning / coklat cair
tidak terlalu busuk

6) Tidak melakukan perkara yang merosakkan badan cthnya merokok / minum minuman keras
7) Melakukan senaman dengan kerap dan konsisten
8) Mempunyai masa rehat dan tidur yang secukupnya (sekurang-kurangnya 6jam sehari tanpa gangguan)

Sekiranya kita menepati kesemua di atas setiap hari,insyaAllah, kita boleh berbangga mengatakan kita tergolong dalam orang yang masih sihat Alhamdulillah:)
Jika tidak, ubahlah cara hidup dan pemakanan anda kepada yg lebih baik. 

Monday 16 July 2012

Thicker, Healthier and Softer Hair

Ms R just bought our new VCare Hair Repairing Serum. I asked her on her feedback after using the product. Here's her reply:

Ohhh yes! In one word, I love the hair serum! It matches perfectly for my hair and smells great. I apply after my shower, and it is fully absorbed and when it is dry my hair looks more thicker and healthier. So its a great relief for me! :) I will give it 4.5/5
The deduction is that still my hair looks a bit frizzy but it is soft as usual. 

Do contact me if you want a thicker, healthier and soft hair like hers.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Food for Ramadhan

Ramadhan is less than a week. Such an exciting month for me ( I hope to y'all as well :D ) It is the fasting month for the Muslims.
The act of fasting is not only be practised by Muslims, but other religions as well. If you didn't know, fasting is a really good healthy activity. It is also the best month to do detoxification. Why? 

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Migraine / Heel Pain

Mrs M, a teacher suffer from severe migraine. The migraine usually attacks when she is under the hot  blazing sun for hours or if she had to skip her daily meals due to work. The migraine is severe to the extend she feels nausea and vomits. This limits her to go through the day (during the attack).
She took at least 2 sachets of CEO Cafe (most of the time she took 3 sachets ;1 in the morning, 1 after lunch and 1 before bed). After 2 boxes, she finds that the migraine attacks lessen. Now, she can't leave without CEO Cafe :)
Another thing she notices, being a teacher you need to walk to classes many times a day. This give pressure to the leg especially the heels.  After taking the CEO Cafe, she doesn't feel the pain anymore. 

p/s: When taking the CEO Cafe, you don't have to worry about overdosing caffeine. The CEO Cafe contains 10% of YungKien Lingzhi. After 2 hours, if the caffeine (from the coffee bean) is not needed to the body, the lingzhi will wash it out from the system. 

Monday 9 July 2012

How A Virus Invades A Body

This is a really good video showing how a virus can enters one body and how easy it multiplies. So it is essential to have a good immune system to attack these harmful viruses.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Sunday 17 June 2012

Tandas Bank Bakteria; Lactoberry


Ape kabar? Harap sihat semuanya.
Baru-baru ini saya ada membaca satu artikel tentang 'Tandas Bank Bakteria'. Satu topik yang agak menarik bagi saya kerana selama ini walaupun tahu tetapi tidak pernah untuk memberi perhatian lebih tentang topik ini. Saya petik beberapa baris dari artikel ini:

Manusia menghabiskan 1/3 kehidupannya di tandas. 

Kehadiran bakteria atau kuman yang sering mengakibatkan infeksi-E. Coli, Staphylicocus, Betastreptococci dan Clostridium difficile banyak terdapat di tandas.
(Kes bayi mati akibat jangkitan E.coli )

Di setiap inci dan sudut dalam tandas baik tombol pintu, kepala paip, sudut singki, mangkuk tandas dan pam tandas anda itu semuanya mengandungi bakteria.

Bagi kaum wanita dan kanak-kanak perempuan, infeksi pada vagina boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu tidak selesa kerana mereka boleh mengalami rasa gatal di sekitar kemaluan. Bukan itu sahaja, masalah keputihan akibat jangkitan kuman juga boleh berlaku. 

Kawasan sekitar vagina adalah tempat yang akan bersentuhan secara langsung dengan permukaan tandas duduk. Kalau tandas cangkung, permukaan vagina adalah tempat yang akan berisiko tinggi terkena percikan air yang berada atas lantai tandas yang tercemar. 

Perempuan lebih kerap terkena jangkitan saluran kencing kerana kedudukan semula jadi bahagian sulit wanita berada sangat dekat dengan saluran kencing.

Berbeza dengan lelaki yg mana salur kencingnya lebih panjang, kuman biasanya susah untuk masuk ke dalam tubuh. 

Penyakit infeksi salur kencing ini menyebabkan penghidapnya berhadapan dengan situasi kuman tandas masuk ke salur kencing. Ia kemudian merebak ke organ lain seperti ginjal bahkan ke seluruh tubuh sehingga akhirnya menyebabkan infeksi ginjal dan urosepsis. 

Jika anda lihat bisul yg mungkin sedang hidup subur menumpang di badan ataupun pernah tumbuh di bahagian paha atau di mana-mana pada tubuh anda, ia ada kaitan dengan sejenis bakteria bernama staphyliococus yg dipindahkan melalui tangan yg tidak dicuci selepas masuk ke dalam tandas dan kemudian masuk ke dalam badan (melalui makanan). Komplikasi lain-berak berdarah dan cirit-birit kronik. 

Basuh tangan elak jangkitan!
-tanggalkan cincin atau apa shj perhiasan lain eg jam/gelang
-gunakan air hangat dan basah tgn secara menyeluruh
-gunakan sabun
- gosok tgn terutama di antara jari, pergelangan tangan dan lengan dengan sabun selama 15saat
-gosok bawah kuku
-bilas dengan air mengalir
-keringkan tangan dengan tuala bersih, tisu
-lindungkan tangan daripada menyentuh permukaan yg kotor saat meninggalkan tandas

Hot Spot bakteria
1) Tab Mandi 2) Lantai 3) Singki 4) Pam Tandas 5) Mangkuk Tandas 6) Kepala Paip

Jepun sudah mendominasi dunia dalam penghasilan tandas bijak (smart toilet)

Produk biotek terbaru Shuang Hor; Lacto-Berry, merupakan probiotik yang dapat menjamin kesihatan usus dan boleh menyekat pembiakan bakteria berbahaya. Juga mengandungi 3 jenis beri; Cranberi (khas untuk membunuh bakteria E.Coli), Raspberi dan beri biru( anti oksidan), padat dengan Vitamin C.  Rasanya sungguh sedap dan boleh dimakan begitu sahaja!

Monday 4 June 2012

Weight Management

Nowadays, weight management is a big issue to most people. I am lucky I do not have to deal with this issue myself. The most I've gained was 55kg, when I was 15yo. And since then, my weight has been yo-yo from 50-55kg. I was never worried as long as my BMI is normal. Wanna calculate yours? Click here.
Ever since I have started to take lingzhi (2007), I realized my weight has decrease and feel much lighter. Now, my weight is 47/48 kg.
I saw this diagram which then makes more sense regarding my weight.

click on the diagram for larger view

The major function of lingzhi is to do detoxification up to cellular level. You can read more info here

My personal experience, when I took Yungkien Ganoderma and Vitaking at the same time, I started to feel lighter, energetic and lose weight. 
So, if you really want to manage your weight, please do detoxification up to cellular level and exercise regularly. Do not simply cut your food intake, but eat healthily :)


Saturday 26 May 2012

MLM (Intelligence Distribution) vs Selling

Before I join Shuang Hor, my perception towards MLM is simple -it is all about selling and finding people to do the selling together and fast money. Very shallow minded I know.  But after I have join this business, MLM is much much more than that. This entry is from the seminar I attended early this week.

Most of the contents are from Mr W's talk
There is not much to say about selling. You have the product, and you try to sell out the product...and that's it!

Many think that MLM is about hard sell.
Many are afraid that when joining MLM, you'll lose many friends because of the hard selling.
Many think that MLM is all about generating extra income. There are a lot of ways you can generate extra income and not only through MLM (in fact you can actually earn more doing other things than MLM).

Wednesday 16 May 2012



Here are some infos I collected from Mr S's talk last week. Very interesting topic which I hope will benefit all :)

How many people actually live healthily? You need to exercise, have no mental stress, have enough sleep and need to eat right, then you maybe healthy...

Do you exercise? How many people wakes up at 530 in the morning to exercise?
Most condos have pool. How many of you go to the pool to swim regularly?
A lot of people know exercise is good, but fail to do this.

He shared a story of his friend's friend. This guy is an active person, went to Japan to hike and likes to take photographs. He saw a beautiful stone and decided to bring it back home. He really liked the stone-he carried it everywhere, even when he sleep. 3 weeks later, he was diagnosed with cancer. Later found out that the radiation from the stone cause the cancer ( due to Japan's earthquake that cause nuclear radiation early this year). This is an example of the environment pollution that we can't avoid which can be harmful to our health.

 Everybody eat, but not many select the food they eat. However, we can see now that many try to stay healthy by taking health supplements. Since there are so many supplements available in the market, how to choose the right one?

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Life Is...

I was at Borders. Reading a book. Can't remember the title tho :(
Anyway, I manage to write down a quote the writer mentioned in her book:


Couldn't agree more. 

Friday 4 May 2012


As we all know our smallest form in the body is the cell.
Cell ->Tissue ->Organ ->System ->Body

So in order to have a good healthy body, we need to make sure that every 3trillions cells in the body are healthy.
What does a cell needs to grow healthy?
A cell needs:
1) Oxygen
2) Nutrients
3) Friendly 'watery' environment

All you have to do is to make sure all 3trillions cells have enough oxygen and nutrient supply so that they become healthy. Then, drink lots of plain water to make the friendly environment to the cells. Simple?

But how do new cells grow?
Human cells' life span vary from 7 hours to about 10 years. So we need new cells to grow after the old cells died. Protein is the base nutrient to build new cells. Source of proteins are from animals and plants. The best is from plant because it doesn't have any fats to go along. Let me introduce you to our JIA HOR SOYA PROTEIN POWDER.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Herpes Zoster

This entry is a bit lengthy, my detail experience on the disease I just recovered from. Click read more if you really want to read more :|

Saturday 21 April 2012

Cup of Tea

Read this on I was attracted to the picture first. Then I read on the story. Good Read. Good Story. May you benefited from this InsyaAllah :)

A group of students, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old teacher. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests tea, the teacher went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of tea and an assortment of cups – porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite – telling them to help themselves to the tea.

When all the students had a cup of tea in hand, the professor said: ‘If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the tea. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was tea, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups… And then you began eyeing each other’s cups too.

Now consider this: Life is the tea; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the tea Allah has provided us.’ Allah brews the tea, not the cups. Enjoy your tea.

Thursday 12 April 2012

5 Whites to Avoid

Here are the 'white' food we need to avoid :

1) WHITE sugar

  • no nutritional value and high in calories

2) WHITE rice

  • high in sugar

3) WHITE bread

  • flour mills use chemical bleaches to make the pure white flour.Thus, we are also eating chemical residual bleach

4) WHITE flour

  • highly processed food that leaves the body malnourished

5) WHITE pasta

  • high in sugar

Instead opt for 'BROWN' :

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Cheese Omelette-Jia Hor Seasoning

I have been experimenting recipes using our Shuang Hor's Products. Recently, I made cheese omelette. It was goooood. Do try it :)

1 serving
1 egg (organic preferably)
1 cherry tomato (diced)
1 baby carrot (thinly sliced)
1/3 sachet of Jia Hor Seasoning
1 slice of cheese (any brand)
1 tsp of Olive Gold Margarine ( attempt to make it healthier than usual :| )

Beat the egg together with the seasoning.
Heat the pan. 
Melt the margarine. 
Pour in the egg mixture.
Spread the cherry tomato and carrot evenly onto the egg mixture. 
Tear off the cheese on to the egg. 
Wait for the cheese to melt.
Fold the omelette into 1/2.
Finish! Yey.

You can enjoy this with:
1) Thai Chilli Sauce (yes we asians love our chilli). 
2) Sandwich the omelette with Wholemeal Bread. 
3) Just eat it on its own. 

Bon appetit!

Wednesday 28 March 2012


GoEco All Purpose Cleaner (APC) is just awesome. Most people will only apply this on the kitchen/ toilet tiles, stoves, cars etc but it can also be applied onto clothes!
It was the time of the month and sometimes women get this 'leaking' problem. Fret not, just soak the stained clothes with APC (depending on the amount of water you're using). 
For a small water scooper, you only need a cap of APC diluted into the water. Soak the clothes for 20mins or so and it will be stain free! Don't worry, the substance is safe, it can be used on any types of material :)

Tuesday 27 March 2012

7 Daily Habits

There are only 7 things to do when embarking into this business.

1) Use
2) Read
3) Listen
4) Meeting
5) Contact Upline
6) Share on Products
7) Share on Business

... and that's it! 

Friday 23 March 2012


In Malaysia, we don't take stress as a big issue. We don't simply go to a psychiatrist and tell them our problems. Mental health is not a major sickness here. Actually, stress can cause a lot of diseases including cancer!
I came across this article, 25 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety. Click on it. A good read insyaAllah.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

How Lingzhi Works

Cell ->Tissue ->Organ ->System ->Body

Many of you are familiar with this diagram. Even the primary students learn this in their science syllabus. 
From this diagram, we know that our smallest form inside our body is the cell. We have about 10trillion cells inside our body. That is a lot! So how should you take care of each and every single cells in order to make sure that your body is in good condition?

Do you go and service your car at the workshop? I am sure you do. Otherwise, your car won't be in good condition. We do not want our car to be suddenly breaks down in the middle of the road, right?
Now, try to replace the car with your body. Imagine that all the organs are the engines that has been pumping and filtering and do everything justice for your body to function. Are you using good oil (food and nutrients) to smooth your engine's performance? Do you service your body as much as you service your car? How well do you treat your body?

Friday 16 March 2012


I was trying to zest up my morning with a fruit smoothie. I bought some bananas ( I'm bad identifying types of fruits, so just use any kinds that you like). You can also use mangoes, strawberries or any kinds of berries that suits your taste bud to replace the bananas.

For 1 serving, I used:
1 banana
1 cup of fresh milk
1 sachet of Lacto-berry
1 sachet of Soya Protein Powder
2½ scoops of chocolate ice cream 

Blend all this together and wallah!! It was soooo good, simple and healthy! ( and I get a healthy stool too). Now you don't have any excuses of not having time to take your breakfast. 
Why breakfast is so important? Can a car works without a fuel? No it can't. No matter how hard you push it. Same goes to your body. After a long rest (good sleep), the body needs food to perk the system up so that you can function well during the day. If you are not satisfied with this reason, read this for another 10 reasons why you should take breakfast.
SO eat your breakfast people!  

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Healthy Stool

It has been a compulsory question(s) to ask all the people we see when doing this business.
How is your bowel movement? Is it regular? Is the stool of good quality?
Good quality of stool????

Saturday 10 March 2012

Cat's Poo / Car Washing

Ms. A's neighbour has many cats at their house. They just let the cats out, littering everywhere. Since Ms. A's house is the nearest, it has been the most favourite place for the cats to litter (aka poo :| )Ms A has tried many things to stop the cats from littering around the house (porch) but failed many times.
I suggested the GoEco All Purpose Cleaner to her. She diluted 1 part with 3 parts of water. 
Up until now, no smell whatsoever!
She also use the APC to wash her car and she loves it. There is no irritation on the hand. Dirts especially at the tyres can easily wash off. 

Friday 9 March 2012

Bee vs Fly

I was listening to the radio the other day. The topic was Bee's eyes vs Fly's eyes. A very simple topic that caught my attention during heavy traffic :|
Would you like to be the fly or the bee?
Naturally, a fly likes dirty places. Even if the fly goes to a garden full with blossom flowers, it will directly go to the rubbish bin. Contrariwise, the bee will only look for pretty lovely things even in the pile of rubbish. Now, try to relate this behaviour to our lifestyle. Are your eyes only for the bad or good things? Do you have the bee's eyes that only see good things, or the fly's eyes that likes to see dirty things?
Obviously, being a bee is the better option. Be cautious of what you see, insyaAllah, you'll be more peace at heart :)

Tuesday 6 March 2012

How to Calculate Daily Fluid Needs?

This calculation is to measure the MINIMUM amount of fluid a HEALTHY person must consume when living a SEDENTARY lifestyle in a TEMPERATE climate.

Sunday 4 March 2012


We parked our car under this huge tree. The messy small branches create beautiful abstract to the sky.
Masya Allah. 

Friday 2 March 2012

Network is Foundation

*Contents below are taken from Mr W's talk from the biweekly seminar*

People generally like fast money. However, MLM is actually a business to enjoy freedom and make others enjoy freedom as well. Else, it is not MLM. And these 'others' build the network.
Network itself is a foundation which is very important.For Shuang Hor, 3200 foundation is a principle we apply in life. 
He quoted a story from a lion dance champion coach. His students would jump and turn from hi poles to shorter poles and vice versa. But before he teaches them that, he teach them to fall first and to experience getting injured. So to them, the foundation is how to fall. 
In Shuang Hor, it is the 3200 foundation. By learning the 3200 foundation well, you will get a strong and sustainable network.This network consists of 2 types of people:

Thursday 1 March 2012

Worry Much?

' All humans are dead, except those who have knowledge.
 And all those who have knowledge are asleep, except those who do good deeds. 
 And those who do good deeds are deceived, except those who are sincere. 
 And those who are sincere are always in the state of worry '

-Iman Shafie-

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Bad Cholesterol

I just received an overwhelming text from Ms. N. She took 2 boxes of Nutri-health Tablets. 12tablets/day for 5 days, and 6 tablets/day for the next 10days. Her cholesterol reading was 4.2 mmol/L before,  and alhamdulillah it drops to 2.8 mmol/L after finishing the 2 boxes. Let's pray that her reading will be normal and she be healthy always :)

Monday 27 February 2012

Brave N Bold


I was reading a book and came about this story. Good book. Good read.

Scene I:
I walk down a street, and there's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall. It takes forever to get out. It's not my fault.

Scene II:
I walk down the same street, I fall in the hole again. It still takes a long time to get out. It's my fault.

Scene III:
I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It's becoming a habit. It is definitely my fault. I get out immediately.

Scene IV:
I walk down the same street and see the deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Scene V:
I walk down a different street.

So my pals, this is the deal. It is again about making choices. If there's hole on the street, move to another scene or better still, change street. Yes, failure makes you better. But failing at the same mistakes leads you nowhere. Decide and make the change! Be brave. Be bold .Make the change that will make you successful. make the needed change for the sake of Allah, walk on another street. InsyaAllah all will be good :)

Sunday 26 February 2012

Bad Cough

I was down with fever, cold and bad cough last week. I did not have any lingzhi with me at that time so  I just took at least 4 packets of CEO Cafe and 2 sachets of Lacto-berry. The fever and the cold subside after 2 days but not the cough. Even consuming the Greenzhi didn't help.
Recently, Shuang Hor relaunched Lu Chun Tea. I poured boiling water in a mug with 1 teabag of Luchun. I drank the tea before sleep. The next morning, not only I woke up fresh but cough-less :D

Saturday 25 February 2012

Mount Kinabalu

Admiring the nature brings peace to me. Another way to acknowledge how great Allah is and bring me closer to Him. 

Friday 24 February 2012

Thursday 23 February 2012

Are You Healthy?

How do you measure healthiness? 
I have some points for you to cross-check with yourselves.
Those who are considered healthy has these characteristics:
1) Wake up early in the morning fresh and active
2) No pain or numbness at any parts of the body
3) Go through his daily life positively and with great faith 
4) Eat well and proper. Drink at least 2.8L of water daily
5) Urinate frequently and pass motion at least once a day. The time taken to do this is not long and produce good quality of faeces:
Size: Big and long
Colour: Yellowish/ Bright Chocolate
Not stink
6) Do not do harm to the body etc smoking / drinking alcohol
7) Exercise regularly and consistently
8) Have ample rest and sufficient hours of sleep ( at least 6 hours )

Now, if you have all these in you/ your daily lifestyle, you can proudly pat your back and say that you are in top condition of health :)
Else, do right for your body. 

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Do good because it is good. 
Not because it looks good.