Contact Me

I started practising natural healing since 2007. The herb I have been using is LINGZHI, it is a type of mushroom, an adaptogen and also a powerful detoxifier. I fall in love with how it works greatly to strengthen our body.
I hope to share the knowledge / experiences I gained since I started this alternative medicine and hope that everyone can benefit from it too.
I would also want to help those in need of a financial freedom, through network marketing I am doing that is the Shuang Hor Business.
Contact me if you are interested in knowing the natural alternative medicine or the nature of the Shuang Hor business.

Email Address:
Facebook Page: Lactoberry
Phone No: +6011 5922 5502
Youtube Channel:


Wednesday 19 June 2013

Puasa itu Nikmat


Ramadhan bakal tiba kurang dari sebulan lagi. Banyak kenikmatan yang boleh kita rebut dan salah satunya ialah nikmat sihat :) Terutamanya kesihatan sistem perkumuhan.
Semua orang suka makan. Kebiasaannya kita sarapan, makan tengah hari, minum petang dan makan malam. Itu tidak termasuk 'snacking in between meals'. Memang mulut kita tak berhenti mengunyah, perut pon tidak berhenti untuk bekerja; menghadam, menyerap nutrien dan menyahtoksin. Bulan ramadhan adalah satu-satunya masa di mana perut (sistem perkumuhan) kita ada masa untuk rehat pada siang harinya. Rehat di sini bermakna perut kita tidak perlu untuk menghadam makanan yang dimakan pada setiap masa, dan boleh memfokuskan pada fungsi menyahtoksik badan kita. Badan yang bersih dari toksin adalah badan yang sihat :)
Selain itu, memandangkan tidak banyak tenaga diperlukan di sistem perkumuhan, sel-sel badan boleh menumpukan lebih tenaga membaikpulih sistem-sistem yang lain spt sistem imun, sistem pernafasan, sistem saraf dll.

Sepatutnya, kita gunakanlah nikmat puasa ini sebaik-baiknya. TETAPI, ramai yang menyalahgunakan terutama sekali bab BUKA PUASA. Hentam dan sumbat sahaja makan bermacam2 makanan sehingga perut penuh dan tak larat nak ke masjid selepas itu. Sepatutnya, semasa sahur dan iftar, cubalah makan makanan yang lebih sihat dan tidak keterlaluan. Jika tidak, penat sahaja kita beri cuti pada perut, tetapi pada malamnya kerah OT untuk melakukan kerja yang lebih berat.

Di sini saya ingin berkongsi 1 resepi yang sesuai ketika sahur. Sangat mudah disediakan.


Bahan A:
1 gelas air sejuk
 3 biji strawberry

Bahan B:
1 paket Jia Hor Fibre
1 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
1 paket Lactoberry
1 sudu besar madu asli
1gelas susu segar

Cara penyediaan:
1) Masukkan Bahan A ke dalam pengisar. Kisar seketika.
2) Masukkan Bahan B pula. Kisar untuk 1 minit.
3) Hidangkan dan terus minum untuk mendapatkan khasiat optimum.

1) Fibre dapat memberikan rasa kenyang sepanjang hari
2) Fibre, Soya Protein dan Lactoberry berkesan untuk sistem perkumuhan
3) Madu dapat memberikan tenaga sepanjang hari
4) Lactoberry dan strawberry merupakan antioksidan yang bagus :)
5) Protein merupakan bahan asas membentuk sel-sel badan. Badan lebih sihat dan segar (kulit juga lebih cantik)
6) Di dalam Jia Hor Fibre juga terdapat lingzhi, membantu dalam proses menyahtoksik badan

Best kan? Senang dan sedap juga mempunyai banyak khasiat. Semua dalam 1 minuman sahaja. Boleh juga disediakan ketika iftar atau bila-bila masa sahaja. Selamat mencuba!

Friday 7 June 2013

Beauty Sleep


Have you heard of beauty sleep? According to Wiktionary, it defines as sleep before midnight, on the believe that early sleep hours conduce to health and beauty.
I strongly agree with the definition. I have even tried experimenting this myself.
Try to sleep at 10pm every night for a week. Wake up at 5am. You'll notice you woke up fresh and energetic. Your skin texture is smoother. No horrible eye bags or panda eyes. All this will lead to a happy mode in the morning and through out the day insyaAllah.
You will have ample time to perform tahajjud, do some light exercises, read few pages of any reading materials, take a cold shower, perform subuh,  and get ready for your day. It will be definitely great if you can make this as your daily habit.

How can sleep early lead to all these goodness??
Do you know that from 10pm to 2am is the cells regeneration time? If you are able to sleep during this hour, all 3 TRILLION cells inside your body will have the luxury opportunity to regenerate. Since our body is in hibernating mode (when we sleep), the cells are not use to do any work. Hence, regenerating process will be successfully done. We need new healthy cells for more beauty and healthy body :)
There are also hormones excrete only at night /day. If we burn the midnight oil, and replace the sleep during the day, these hormones can't be excreted normally. Thus, interfering with the hormonal balance in our body.
Even in the Quran, many verses stated that we should sleep at night. Here are some examples:

It is He who has appointed the night a covering for you and sleep for a rest. The day He has appointed for rising. (Surah Furqan: 47)
And [We] have made the night as a covering [through its darkness], and have made the day for livelihood. (al-Naba’ 78:10-11)
Tell me! If Allah made day continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, who is an ilaah [a god] besides Allah who could bring you night wherein you rest? … (al-Qasas 28:71)

Here some tips to improve your sleep

Let's Sleep and be healthy people!!